Introducing Pet of the Month

Sep 10, 2013   Stephen

Hey, blog entry #2 is here, and it brought a special feature along with it! In fact, this is the introduction of the Happier at Home Pet of the Month Awards, which will run until time ends or we get tired of it. The objective is simple-- spotlight one of our furred/feathered customers each and every month-- and so are the rules. We'd absolutely love to see one of yours featured, so let's get on with a few details.

  1. Submit a photo of your pet, either through the contact forum or via email; whatever works. That rule is so simple it only took one sentence.
  2. Our council of submission evaluators (namely us with an impressive title) will pour through the entries and decide on a fortunate and most likely handsome pet. We can only spotlight one per month, but it's not a popularily contest; we'll get to them all eventually!
  3. In the beginning of each month (November in this case) the results will be announced and possibly proclaimed from a few rooftops depending on the weather. After jubilation, the next round will immediately begin, allowing submissions all through the month until the next Big Day.

"But what kind of images should I submit?" asks the nonspecific contestent. The answer is, loosely speaking, whatever you want! Dig back into your digital camera from 2005 for a humorous pose, set up a brand new shot for artistic merit, or paint a portrait of your pomerainian-- anything goes!

Bosco "Boss" Kelly attempting to sway the vote through use of Snoopy.

I'm pretty psyched to see what everyone ends up submitting, and don't forget to get them in by October 30th at the latest; we're likely to hand out every award to Bosco "Boss" Kelly unless pressured. If you have any questions, thoughts, comments, or haikus (especially haikus), just leave them in the comments; I'd love to read them.

See you next month!



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